Get started with the Activity view

Learn about the Activity view, used for tracking service requests and tasks.

The Activity menu provides access to the following views:

Each of these views contains a grid of data on SR or task details raised for equipment in your inventory tracked in iCenter as well as a Details panel with additional data on SRs and tasks. You can download GE service documents related to SRs and their component tasks from this panel. Data may be available in near real-time for SRs, tasks, time sheets, and parts in these views.[ regional availability]

The Activity views provide the data you need to access the service history of planned and corrective maintenance on your equipment. This topic explains the type of data presented in Activity views. For details on how to work with the data described here, see topic Navigate views.

Activity menu and Home page tile

Track service requests in the Activity view

Tracked Service Request is the default view displayed when you click Activity on the menu bar and then click Service Request. This provides a view of service history of planned and corrective maintenance on your equipment.

The grid contains a list of SRs raised for equipment in your inventory tracked in iCenter. You can view all SRs that have been submitted, started, closed, or canceled. You can filter this list if desired, for example to view SRs categorized by:
  • SR ID
  • Due
  • SR status
  • SR type

The Details panel for a selected SR provides additional information on its planned or completed service history. You can download GE service documents related to SR component tasks from this panel.

This data enables you to identify the equipment impacted as well as the cause and status of an SR.

Tracked Service Request view

Track tasks in the Activity view

Tracked Tasks is the default view displayed when you click Activity on the menu bar and then click Task. This provides a view of component tasks of an SR.

The grid contains for each SR a list of tasks. You can view tasks on SRs that have been submitted, started, closed, or canceled. You can filter this list if desired, for example to view SR tasks categorized by:
  • Corrective action
  • Task status
  • Task type

The Details panel for a selected SR task provides additional information on the actions taken, time spent, and parts needed to service the device.

This data enables you to understand planned and completed tasks within a service request, including any parts used at the SR level.