Inspect record details in a view

Learn how to inspect details of a specific record in a view.

The content area of an EquipmentActivity, or Contract[ regional availability] view provides summary information in a grid layout. You can inspect details of a specific record in the Details panel, which initially is collapsed on the right side of the view to optimize space for the tabular content area. You can inspect details of a specific record in the Details panel, which initially is collapsed on the right side of the view to optimize space for the grid in the content area.

To view the Details panel:

  1. In the content area of the desired view (Equipment, Activity, or Contract), click on the row for the desired record (the row is highlighted in light blue when it is selected).
    Spinner A spinner is displayed until the Details panel expands from the right side of the view. Equipment Details panel
  2. View the record detail in the Details panel tabs. The available tabs depend on the view type:
    View Tab Description
    Equipment Overview General information on the specified equipment.
    Activity Service Requests associated with the specified equipment.
    Activity Service Request General information on the service request.
    Task Additional information on the components of a service request.
    Part Information on any parts used to complete the service request. If none were used, this tab is blank.
    Document[ regional availability] Any downloadable documents associated with the specified equipment that was serviced or repaired by GE, for example:
    • INS acceptance certification
    • PM checklist
    • Service debrief
    • SR report

    Where multiple documents are associated with a record (for example, a Service Request or Task), separate document entries are displayed in this tab. If there are no documents associated with the record, a message indicating that No documents are available is displayed.

    For details on downloading documents from the Document tab of the Details panel for a Service Request or Task view, see topicDownload GE service documents associated with equipment .

    Contract [ regional availability] Overview General information on the contract.
    Feature Information on any additional contract entitlements.
    Coverage Information on hours during which contract coverage is available.

    For details on the information available in a specific tab, see the Reference topics for a view.

  3. Click the Collapse button at the top right to collapse the Details panel. Collapse Details panel button


Can I print or download data displayed in the Details panel?