View subscription reports and alerts from My Account

You can view details of the subscription reports and alerts for which you can sign up to receive email messages in the My Account dialog box. iCenter subscriptions include reports on Service Requests (SRs) and alerts on equipment coverage expiration.

My Subscriptions tab in the My Account dialog box

To view your subscriptions:

  1. On Title bar, click My Account and then Account.
  2. In the My Account dialog box, in the My Subscription tab, view details in the following sections:
    My subscription reports
    The types of subscription reports you have elected to receive:
    • Send me a service report when a service request is closed: An email containing a closed service report (CSR) is sent whenever an individual SR is closed.
    • Send me a monthly summary report for all my closed service requests: An email containing a monthly summary report (MSR) is sent listing all SRs closed in a calendar month.
    My Alerts
    The type of equipment alerts you have elected to receive and the number of days after which they should be sent.
    Equipment Library
    The equipment available for you to select for inclusion in subscriptions reports and alerts.
    Tip: The total number of available equipment is listed in parenthesis in the section heading.
    Subscribed Equipment
    The equipment currently selected for inclusion in subscriptions reports and alerts.